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I have never really been a “skinny” person — Cason Ramos

By January 15, 2016April 18th, 2018No Comments

I have never really been a “skinny” person, but being in the military for 20+ years and being active in the local roller derby league, I was always able to maintain my weight at a respectable level.  Since retiring from the military over a year ago, I noticed that it was getting harder and harder to keep the weight off and I found myself the heaviest that I have ever been.  I was sleeping with a CPAP machine because I was snoring so bad. I cringed every time I walked by a mirror. I tried to eat healthier and took up running (2-3 times per week) and it still didn’t help.  At the advice of some friends and my mom who have all done IP through Weight No Longer, I decided to go to the seminar and see what it was all about.  The seminar was very informative and I felt that the program made sense and it was something that I would be able to stick with.  I decided to give it a try. I told myself that if I could lose 20 lbs (maybe 30 if I was lucky) then it would be a success.  I guess I didn’t realize how easily and quickly the fat burns off of you because before I knew it, after just 13 weeks, I was down 40 lbs!!!  I now weigh the same as I did in high school.  I went from a size 38 to a size 34, I no longer need the CPAP machine, and the kicker is, I feel great!  I have more energy, I feel motivated and no longer cringe when I walk past the mirror.